Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weird Celebrity Diets – How celebrities maintain their figure

Do want to know the diet of celebrities? Most of the time you must be wondering how they maintain their SupeR SexY Figure. Here the answer is. (Some are FunnY and WeirD)

The Apple-Cider-Vinegar Diet
How do you feel about pre meal gulp vinegar? They say this diet rests on the theory that vinegar cuts through fat in your body as it does through grease in your kitchen. However, there is no biological reason why it would curb cravings; still vinegar can kill any one’s appetite because it is unappealing.

Celeb Fans:


The Raw-Food Diet
This one is the most favorite among all celeb these days. The raw fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fats and calories. However, it could be boring.
Warning: Loading up on fruit can cause intestinal distress and it can raise your insulin and make the body store more calories as fat.

Celeb Fans: 

The baby Food Diet
It is personally my favorite. Mealtime filled with baby food. If it does not have added starch, it can be a good source of nutrition because it’s just pureed vegetables, fruit or meat. This is certainly a creative way to control your intake and limit calories.

Celeb Fans: 

The Lunchbox Diet
Created by British personal trainer Simon Lovell. Adherents eat their normal breakfast and dinner, but instead of lunch, they snack all afternoon from a standard-size lunch box filled with 60% vegetables, 30% protein, and 10% fat (low fat dressing, cheese, or peanut butter). It would work because it centers on grazing, which has been proven to foster weight loss.

Celeb Fans: 

The Cookie Diet
One of the most popular diets in Los Angeles over the past few years. When you intake four to seven protein-based cookies a day, which amounts about 500-600 calories, with a meal of lean protein and vegetables adding another 300 calories approximately. The cookies (normal) contain protein, amino acids, fibre, vitamins and minerals. The aim to eat them “to suppress hunger and prevent an increase in blood sugar.” Moreover eating small meals throughout the day stimulates your metabolism to work faster.

Celeb Fans: 

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